Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Didn't really know how bad New Orleans was until this morning. It looks very bad and I wonder if it will ever be the same. Could this be our very own Venice? Maybe not, but the devastation of all those people who have lost everything in a spread of three states is beyond me. Here I am in the comfort of my own home while thousands have become refugees. Refugees on our own land. The other part of the world just evacuated their refugee camps and we are building our own in large sporting venues.
Back to me.
My troubles don't seems so large, yet I am suffering. My husband is feeling better these days, but he still doesn't think he can work. He can walk around and go shopping, but he feels he can't take a four hour shift. I'm not asking him to lift heavy loads, I'm not asking him to work at the mall. All I ask is for him to try and find a calm office job where he can get up and walk around if he needs to. That's it. He can't do any heavy lifting, but that's due to his surgeries and nothing else, otherwise all he has to do is find a non-stressful environment. How can I bring this up to his attention without sounding like I'm nagging or without causing him stress when the reality of things is that this is a stressful situation and I am eating it up on my own. I feel like yelling at the top of my lungs so he can hear me, but the only good that will do is make me feel better for a while.


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