Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Upcoming B-Day

It's coming...it's almost here. I will turn 33 and I don't feel any different than usual. Any women out there anxiously awaiting for the sexual peak to kick in? I'm here and not that interested. I want it to hit me like a bag of bricks. I want to feel excitement and breathlessness, but I don't.
Don't really know what it is, but I just feel fine being in someone's arms not doing anything. I really know that is all B.S. because what I really want is my husband to show me his true man. What I mean is that I would love for men to get the point. I am a woman. I am not equipped with an on/off switch. My idea of foreplay is not for a man to cup my breast, squeeze it like a teenager and smile. As I said before, I'm in my thirties and sophomoric things like that are beginning to frustrate me. I want my man to really take the lead and be confident. YES guys, what a woman really finds attractive is a man who is confident. Stop asking, "well, what do you want" or saying "whatever you want". That gets really annoying. If we ask you a question, it's because we want an answer. I do believe it's our own fault some men walk on eggshells around us, but we need to cut the crap and be honest with ourselves and our men. How else can we get through the callus that has developed around our heats and minds?


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