Friday, December 05, 2008

Day Dreaming

Category: Blogging

I day dream a lot. I mean A LOT and sometimes I go off into a different world where I replay situations in my head. Sometimes I draw whatever I see, but this time I wrote whatever came to me in this state of mind. The following is my tangent, my rant. Read it, take it, take from it if you like. This is what I typed with blurred vision.

I did something I do not regret. I would do it over and over again without any remorse.
If you knew the things I've done in the past your jaw would be on the floor. Not because they were "bad" things, but because these are the actions that are not thought of when people mention my name. Yes. I've done things, but I do not regret anything I've done. Every action I've taken has taught me something about myself. And I take it. I experience the effect and enjoy it. If and when an outcome is not desirable, I change it. But what about the situations where your mind conflicts with your emotion? Your mind may lead you to believe that a decision requires reconsideration, but your emotion, your heart, your gut says otherwise. Go forth without fear and enjoy the feeling. Experience the ride like a rollercoaster. I love roller coasters. I love any ride that gives my stomach that "woooo" feeling. Embrace what you have and gather more experience. Every action causes reaction and it's up to you to gather the positive out of each situation. Every situation is different and each one of you is different as well. Take it, embrace it, experience the feeling that life gives you.


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