Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Is it wrong to be selfish?

Is it wrong to be selfish? I’ve been asking myself this question more and more as I get older. As far back as I can remember, I have been helping others. I used to help my Dad from the moment I could. When I was little, I helped with little things like turning on a faucet or helping him turn a page from the newspaper. As grew older, my responsibilities grew. I learned how to write a check when I was eight-years old. When I learned to drive, I took him where he wanted to go and eventually I also helped him in and out of bed. There are so many little things we take for granted and I was reminded of them day in and out.
As I grew older, my parents grew older as well and sometimes, as children, we forget about that. We think of our parents as young and strong like when we were kids, but time takes a toll.
Is it wrong to be selfish? I moved five hours away in 1994. I was away a total of four years before I had to return. In those four years, the only responsibility I had was to me, and calling home every weekend. I paid bills on my own had my own apartment and drove myself to work everyday. I really had to answer to no one but myself and I really miss that.
After having to come back home (that’s a different story) I moved back into my parent’s house and my responsibilities with my father resumed. Now my mother was a little older and I had to help with things that had become to hard for her.
After my dad passed, I had the responsibility of handling all the arrangements along with all the insurance papers, Doctor bills and help my mother pay off the house etc.etc.etc.
After that, my responsibilities were more intense. I had to work, be strong for my mother as she called at all hours of the night, hide my true feelings, and try not to go crazy in the end. Actually, I had a little help from a friend called Xanax, thanks to my Doctor.
Side bar: The day I finally went to the Doctor, I was in the waiting room about an hour, then when finally called, I waited in the exam room for what seemed another hour. As soon as the Doctor walked in and asked about my day, I started to cry. I had cracked and waiting was the straw that broke my back.
After two months of being responsible for my mother, my husband ended up In the hospital for what they though was appendicitis and ended up being something totally different and way more serious.
So now, I was dealing with my own loss, my mother’s loss, and my husband in surgery.
Is it wrong to be selfish?
Four years later, I now take care of my mother and eventually she will need to move in. I don’t have any children and even though I never really wanted them, I wonder what they would look like.
Is it wrong to be selfish? I want to be selfish. I want to not have responsibilities. I want to be able to pick up and go; go somewhere, anywhere, but here.

Is that wrong? Is it wrong not wanting to help anyone anymore but myself? Is it wrong to ignore her phone calls? Is it wrong for me to want more for myself?
Is it wrong to be selfish? I don’t think so. I have reclaimed myself and although it may seem harsh. It's something I have to do.


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