Thursday, February 22, 2007

Onions come in layers

Many don't know this, but my parents adopted me. The following is the story of how I came to be, as I like to tell it.
Many years ago, my parents were living in Mexico. They had a nice big home and rented out a room to an American medical student. This man had a woman friend in the city. She was an Italian woman by the last name of Villavicencio. She already had a family of her own with older sons who would come visit her from Italy. She lived alone and had a young maid to help around the house.
It was during one of these European visits that one of the Italian sons had a romantic encounter with the woman's maid. When he left Mexico, he left the maid with a different future. The medical student knowing that the couple he lived with, could not have children of their own, proposed a way out for his lady friend who now was connected to her maid.
The young mother already a mother twice before did not have the means to support another child and the possibility of her unborn baby living a better life was comforting.
to be continued..


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