Sunday, April 26, 2009


Every week I designate one of my off days to my mom. It is known as Momday. Every Momday I go over to her house and she cooks for me and hubby. We eat, she talks. She talks, we eat. I sort the mail and explain what needs to be done, what needs to be trashed and recycle the rest. I take her to buy her medication and it's off to the grocery store to buy whatever it is she needs. My mom and I have very limited conversations, because they tend to always involve a cat, a baby, or a gossip show. None of these things are of interest to me so I usually just nod and agree and pretend I'm interested. Yesterday was different. We bagan with the same routine but after the mail sorting and before the grocery store, we were having a little desert. My mom started talking about her past. When my parents met, my mother was already in a bad marriage; this I already knew. She told me the reason she decided not to stay in her small town. She describes her ex-husband as a drunk and from what I gather a classic possesive man who kept wanting to win her back by promising to change. She said that he had a large ranch and he wanted her to have it and stay there. "Para que? Para que me llegue a media noche borracho despesues de estar con sus amigos?" She went on, " El decia que era bien corajuda, pero no escierto." HA! that I know that is a lie. My mom had a huge and quick temper."Si el no me apuntaba con la pistola, yo se la estaba apuntando a el, un 38 especial." What?! my mom and this man were pointing guns at eachother? Wow, I knew she had a temper, but never knew how bad she could get. So I learned something specific I never knew about my mom. Momday wasn't so bad this week. It was pleasant.

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