Sunday, April 06, 2008

Leather bar drag show

We walked into the bar for the night rather early as my freind the queen had to make some finishing touches on her look. As we walked by the stage area, we noticed a different type of show going on. A demonstration on mummification. A man had been bonded down to a table with nothing but plastic wrap. His arms laid on top of his thighs under the layers of plastic. His face in a latex mask, his eyes covered with a blindfold and the mummificator speaking about the process a body goes through to prepare for such a task. The only exposed area to air were his feet. The man in control explains that the most important thing between two people doing this is communication. Listening to one another and responding. Trust is the biggest factor; it has to be, I mean seeing this guy stapped down without the ability to move at all gave me a sense of claustrophobia.Having the sense of being stuck without being able to move or see what was going on around you would definitely mess with my mind, but then again I know I have trust issues.
The mummy had been strapped down for almost two hours before the man in control slowly started to cut him out of the sweaty plastic mess. You could see his body expand as the layers of plastic were being cut.
Ahhh relief, the body must feel good to breathe again.
Favorite quote on my Saturday night..."She likes anybody who is heavier than her".


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