Monday, April 21, 2008


April 21, 2004 I buried my father. We had a small viewing in San Antonio before his funeral at Ft. Sam Houston. It was a beautiful day surrounded by family and close friends. I'm grateful to the few that showed up for support. I was strong; I had to be, for myself and my mother.
I made this piece for my dad back in 1995 for Father's day and I just recently sealed the wire to protect it from corrosion. I have also placed it in a shadow box for safe keeping.
The sculpture reflects a few of the best memories I have as a child. I was Daddy's little girl and would love to ride around on his electric wheelchair. Even on my 15th birthday when people wondered how I would dance with my father, I did what I always had, I climbed up on his armrest and he rode around with the music. There was not a dry eye in the place.
That was my safest spot, my comfort zone. Whenever I needed him I was able to prop myself on his chair and rest my head on his shoulder. He would lay his chin on my head and I knew I would be okay. Sometimes, as I fall asleep, I can feel his chin on my head; I hug my pillow and smile.
As I mentioned, the piece does reference a few memories, but the actual memory this wire sculpture references is when my mother pulled my hair tightly into pigtails for the day. My Mother had a very strong character, even with her three-year old.
That night I wanted the pigtails out and for whatever reason, she refused to help me. I remember my head was sore and I was tired, I just wanted them off.
My Dad, always my hero, asked me to climb up and sit on his armrest, and with his mouth helped me take down my hair.
This happened more than once and more than once would he get hit on the face with the elastic as helped me take my hair down.
That little gesture by a man who could not use his hands, will always be engraved in my heart.


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