Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Everyone tries to fix the world at 4am

Someone said this one night and it really stuck. I like how those words sound together. 4am reminds me of the late-night-early breakfast conversations at the local IHOP. At 4am, people start talking to each other instead of yelling over loud music. They are less inhibited about speaking their minds and are open to conversation. Even if one person didn’t have a drink, there is less pressure since most people around are imbibed. Open conversations about life, the world, politics, religion, sex all the taboos you are not supposed to talk about come up at 4am.
Funny afterthought: One night a group of friends went to IHOP after a few hours of drinking; when our server came to take our order, one friend who was already dozing off, all of a sudden jumped up and yelled “Split Personality”!!
The item on the menu is called a Split Decision, what was he thinking?


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